linee semaforo
ESG at Dos&Donts

ESG at Dos&Donts

Dos&Donts has been focused on ESG principles before their definition and is guided by its motto of FARE BENE per STARE BENE, or DO WELL to BE WELL

  • Our HQ in Rho, Italy, has Photovoltaic panels on the roof and a heat-pump to reduce our Scope 1 Green House Gasses (GHG) emissions

  • We have reduced our energy consumption through LED-only lights and automatic lightening in our warehouses to avoid lighting without personnel transit

  • We proactively separate our waste beyond municipal regulations to encourage recycling

  • We invest in our people and have a tailored coaching program for our employees from professional coaches

  • We have regularly supported multiple Italian NGOs for many years, to contribute to projects aimed at aid, education and wellbeing in Italy and across the world

  • We sponsor local sport events which align with our corporate value of encouraging excellence and personal development, such as Sailing regattas organized on the Como Lake by Centro Vela Dervio

  • All our electronic circuits are Made in Italy to encourage quality and healthy work conditions across our value chain

  • We are most attentive to the family needs of our people and offer flexible working conditions when needed

  • We manage our finances seriously and transparently and are proud of our excellent credit rating

  • We offer our Managers a health insurance for their entire family as part of our benefit package

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